On November 20, a delegation led by Mr. Zhang Xiaolun, Director,General Managerand Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Mr. GaoJianshe, member of the Party Committee and ViceGeneral Manager of ChinaNational Machinery Industry Corporation Ltd. (SINOMACH) paid a survey tojidaitong. Chairman Yu Benli, General Manager Zhang Sugang and Party CommitteeSecretary Zhang Jin of China Perfect Machinery Industry Corp.,Ltd. (China Perfect) attended the briefing.
Mr. Liu Bin,Chairman andDeputy Secretary of the Party Committeeofjidaitong updated the Company’s Party conduct & political integrity, electricpower, chemical and environmental sectors as well as key projects. He said theCompany would adhere to its development philosophy of revitalizing stock assetsand developing incremental assets, make breakthroughs via industrial transformationand upgrading, consolidate its resources and strengths, and make contributionsto the energy industry of China.
Mr. Zhang recognized jidaitong’s development philosophy andstrategy. He appreciated the Company’s openness to energy high techs and urgedit to continue its technology-driven development. He stressed the synergy ofParty building and corporate operation and said the Company should givepriority to compliance, standard governance andrisk management.
SINOMACH delegation members also include Shi Hui, Director ofGeneral Office, Li Xiaoyu, Director of the Strategic Investment Department,Zhang Yu, Director of EPC Business Department, and Wang Huifang, DeputyDirector of the Asset &Finance Department. ChinaPerfect and jidaitongleadership members attended the briefing.